Recycling Coordinator
All recycling questions should be directed to Carolynn Budd, CRP, Recycling Coordinator at (908) 638-8523 x101.
Not only is recycling the right thing to do, it is also the law in New Jersey. Hunterdon County and Lebanon Township work together to try to make recycling convenient.
Township Recycling Events & News
EFFECTIVE 8/1/2024 THE RECYCLING DUMPSTER BEHIND THE MUNICIPAL BUILDING HAS BEEN REMOVED. PLEASE CONTACT YOUR TRASH HAULER FOR CURBSIDE RECYCLING OPTIONS. The Hunterdon County Residential Recycling Program is held at the Hunterdon County Transfer Station/Recycling Depot, 10 Petticoat Lane, Annandale. The Transfer Station is open Monday - Friday, 7:00 AM to 4:30 PM and Saturday, 7:00 AM to 12:45 PM. Information on acceptable items is available on the Hunterdon County Solid Waste and Recycling Services Residential Recycling Program webpage.
Hunterdon County Recycling Services
Various Recycling Programs
Appliance Recycling - Please visit JCP&L's Appliance Recycling Program.
Battery Recycling - Please visit for drop off locations.
Book Recycling - Please visit New Legacy Books for drop off locations.