Township Committee
The Township of Lebanon is governed by a five member Township Committee consisting of township residents elected for three year terms.
The committee organizes annually during the first week in January, at which time it elects a Mayor and Deputy Mayor from among its members. The Mayor presides at meetings of the Township Committee and performs such other duties as the Township Committee may prescribe. In the absence or disability of the Mayor, the Deputy Mayor acts as Mayor.
In addition to the Township Committee, a number of boards, commissions, and committees, comprised of township residents, are established. Members are appointed by the Mayor at the annual reorganization meeting or during the year as vacancies become available. Members of these boards, commissions, and committees serve as volunteers.
Township Committee meetings are held the 1st Wednesday of the month at 7:00 pm at the Lebanon Township Municipal Building.
Committee Members
Abe Abuchowski
(908) 638-8523 x506
Liaison Roles and Positions:
- Administration - Organizational Strategy & Development/HR – Policies and Procedures
- Municipal Coordinator of Hunterdon County Senior Services
- Planning Board Class III
- Zoning
Beverly Koehler
(908) 638-8523 x504
Liaison Roles and Positions:
- Administration - Operations Role
- Finance
- Insurance
- Legal Matters
- Local Schools
- Planning Board Class I
Tom McKee
(908) 638-8523 x502
Liaison Roles and Positions:
- Affordable Housing
- DPW, Buildings & Grounds
- Engineering
- Environmental and Open Space Commission
- Highlands Council
- Historians
- Museum
Jay Wojcik, Deputy Mayor
(908) 638-8523 x501
Liaison Roles and Positions:
- Fire Department
- IT
- Library
- Park Committee
- Recreation Commission
Brian Wunder, Mayor
Liaison Roles and Positions:
- Municipal Court
- Police Department/Emergency Management/FEMA
- Relocation Assistance Officer
- Veteran's Haven
- Food Pantry